WE are not the same as the others.


[ kahy-tuh-san ]

Chitosan is our functional foundation raw material. It features prominently in several of our product formulations. But what is Chitosan and why choose it? Chitosan is a totally natural, fibrous biopolymer very closely related to cellulose and obtained from various sources. All commercial Chitosan is obtained from its parent material chitin, mostly extracted from the exoskeletons of shellfish. Second to cellulose as the most abundant global biopolymer, it is estimated the global biological production of chitin is around 1011 metric tonnes (that’s 10 gigatons!). There is no accumulation of chitin anywhere, no chitin deposits on the planet, no chitin mines, so this annual productivity is bio processed back through the planet’s carbon and nitrogen cycles. Our chitosans are manufactured from shellfish exoskeletons that are sustainably harvested. Our chitosans are top quality food grade material. In addition, our chitosans enjoy a “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) status from the US FDA. Our Chitosans are also compliant with California Proposition 65, that state’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.

Are all products with Chitosan the same? Absolutely NOT.

From the quality of the raw materials to the manufacturing processes, chitosan based products vary greatly.

Chitosan is not just a name. It’s a science and a technology with a history. Chitosan is not a monolithic, one size fits all material. Far from it. Organisan Corporation understands this and is at the forefront developing specific chitosan based products for a number of agricultural applications. We don’t stop there. We constantly refine our manufacturing processes to give you top quality, functional product, tailored to your needs. These products are supported by our experienced sales team and backed by a technical reservoir second to none.

We constantly support and improve our manufacturing with lab work testing formulas, seeking efficiencies, testing new inerts and actives. All this builds on the already impressive experience we have with chitosan.

Our products are not just “chitosan”. Our products feature chitosan incorporated in a formulation that maximizes its bioavailability, its penetration in the soil and plant tissues. Our products include proprietary inerts that maximally enhance Chitosan effectiveness. Our chitosan based products work in concert with many soil beneficials. Together, this combined synergy creates a far more rhizosphere friendly environment, keeping pathogens and pests at bay. Our chitosan products are the result of extensive research, product refinement and field testing. This means, all chitosan products ARE NOT the same, especially products we manufacture. We take the time and effort to consult and listen to our customers and formulate chitosan based products that suits their needs. And we don’t walk away. We are committed to you, our customers, we work closely through all aspects of your crop’s growing cycle. We listen to you, advise and recommend tailored strategies with tailored products to deliver the results you want.

We leverage our proprietary manufacturing, technical expertise and technology to modify our manufacturing processes to create specifically crafted products with tailored chitosan properties. Our products are not just chitosan. Our products are specifically formulated containing chitosan that are designed, tailored and intended for specific purposes.

Why are OUR Chitosan Products DIFFERENT?

Two reasons: First, we leverage our proprietary technologies to tailor the properties of chitosan to suit the application. Second, is due to the specific design of our proprietary inerts in our formulations. Because our proprietary process is so different from other chitosan based products, chitosan in our products is 100% bioavailable and ready for your plants on day 1. It is the functional synergy between our chitosans paired with specific inerts that sets us apart. Other chitosan products require mother nature to break them down to a soluble form. Our proprietary formulas work with mother nature on day 1. Microbes can take advantage of the new environment on day 1.

We are your chitosan experts. This is not a groundless claim. The Organisan team has a combined 80+ years’ experience under one roof that comprehensively covers chitosan from raw material acquisition, manufacturing, processing, product development, R&D, sales, marketing, agronomy, and application. We have sales support 24/7. We back that sales team with technical sales support. We have invested the last 12 years developing products and applying them with success all over the country and internationally, on various crop types, environments, geographies. So when you do business with us, you are not just buying another chitosan product, you are getting that specifically formulated product along with accessing our experiences and expertise. We are on your side and want nothing more than to see your success.

So, if you’ve tried “chitosan” products and did not see the outcome you wanted, there’s a good chance your product was not made specifically for your use. That’s why you must have 80+ years’ experience plus the right product to maximize your results. And you’ll only get that knowledge and experience with the Organisan team and/or our authorized representatives.



So why Chitosan? First, it is a natural substance even though Chitosan is commercially prepared from chitin. As a natural material, nature has a way of processing the material so Chitosan is biodegradable, unlike synthetics that persists in nature. As natural carbohydrate polymers go, Chitosan is a highly functional polymer. A cursory internet search reveals a plethora of activities and applications in a number of industries. The literature is rich with research on chitosan applications and development of novel derivatives with characteristically unique functionality and properties. Most of this is based on chitosan’s cationic nature. It is this cationic property that allows chitosan to be soluble in various liquids that are bio friendly and biocompatible. Chitin can be solubilized as well but those solvents are much harsher and not biocompatible. It’s the facile solubility and biocompatibility that greatly increases the value of chitosan over chitin.

On the agricultural side, Chitosan is known to be active in many areas. For example, Chitosan is recognized as a plant growth regulator, a plant defense booster, an elicitor, has fungicidal and antimicrobial properties and is also employed as a sticker agent in adjuvant formulations. Chitosan works well with the natural biology of the soil and has been employed with much success with several commercial beneficial biological agents such as Beauveria bassiana in combatting the deleterious effects of many plant pathogens as well as harmful insects. Other notable examples include Pseudomonas sp, Bacillus sp, Trichoderma sp. and Pochonia clamydosporia.

Organisan Corporation has long recognized the benefits and potentials of chitosan. The company has strategically positioned and established itself as the market leader in chitosan-based agriculture products. We have and continue to leverage our proprietary technology in how we manipulate chitosans in our formulations to emphasize desired functionalities.

Learn More

Organisan’s Chitosan-Based Products Videos

Organisan’s Vice President, East Coast Sales & Marketing, Mark Nichols, presents frequently asked questions about chitosan-based products and answers why Organisan’s products are NOT the same as the others.

Western Regional Sales Manager, Tom Wood, presents an overview of Organisan’s chitosan-based products. The videos are part of a new series we are creating to help you understand how our products work.

The Turf Nutrition and Management Podcast

This is a MUST listen show where Doug and Kevin have the privilege to speak with Mark Nichols from Organisan Corporation. Mark discusses and explains his all natural product OII-YS. This is a natural surfactant made from Chitosan and Yucca that has amazing benefits to not only turf but all botanical species. Mark’s knowledge and vast experience is infectious and our conversation will pump you up for the 2023 season!

Organisan Products

We are the originators of several chitosan-based products, uniquely formulated and specially developed to encourage maximum growth and yield enhancement for agriculture and horticulture crop production. While a great deal of research has been done on chitin and chitosan, Organisan Corporation’s chemist, Dr. Andre Blanchard, is globally recognized as leading THE breakthrough utilizing chitin for agriculture and turfgrass applications.

Are you ready to MAXIMIZE every acre? Let us show you how managing transpiration while obtaining optimum soil biology can extend your growing season, improve the health and vigor of your plants, and increase your yields and profitability. Our mission is to provide growers with the most sophisticated chitosan products available in the marketplace while also creating a community of support.  By combining our propriety technology, our high quality products, our technical knowledge with our expansive distributor network, our customers have direct access to the most knowledgeable community of experienced growers in the world!

Our Raw Ingredient, Chitosan, is Prop 65 Compliant.

The Bridge to Regenerative Agriculture

Introducing Impact SIX

Multiple modes of chitosan technology and efficacy in one uniquely-tailored product!

General Purpose Adjuvants

Organisan O1-YS Label Front
Organisan OII-YS Label Front

Critical Treatment Adjuvants

Organisan Enhancer 1 Label Front
Organisan Enhancer 2 Label Front

Wetting Agent



Seed Treatment

pH Reducer