Nematode Suppression / Control
Low Usage Rate
Effective suppression/control of plant-parasitic nematodes
Apply at ANYTIME in the growing season
Apply to turf, fruit, vegetables, ornamentals, and row crops
To Order Contact:
No Traditional PPE Required
Nemasan is our Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered nematicide that can both be applied during all phases of the growing cycle and assist farmers in treating nematode outbreaks without using any special spray protocol, respirator or personal protective equipment (PPE).
Pictured below are photos of Tom Wood. The left is Tom in the traditional PPE required for other nematicides. The right is Tom pictured in the PPE required to apply Nemasan. In addition, Tom is excited that he is now able to keep his beard all year long! Isn’t it time you join Tom and start seeing the ALL the benefits of a chitosan-based nematicide? Contact us today.

Traditional PPE Required for Other Nematicides

PPE Required to Apply Nemasan
NEMASAN Application on Turf
32 oz per acre of Nemasan was applied as a spray over the top and watered in on October the 12th.
The photos below show the day of application and the results of the spray on October the 30th.
For more information, download the Nemasan Turf Grass Flyer.

Application of Nemasan on October 12th

Results of Nemasan on October 30th
What is Nemasan?
Nemasan is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered nematicide that can both be applied during all phases of the growing cycle and assist growers in treating nematode outbreaks without using any special spray protocol, respirator or personal protective equipment (PPE).
Plant-parasitic nematodes feed on the root systems of turf grass and reduce the plants ability to extract water and nutrients from the soil. This reduced ability causes the plant to become more susceptible to environmental stresses such as drought and mineral deficiencies.
An Impressive Combination!
Nemasan is made up of two principal functioning agents for the control and suppression of nematodes; Quillaja extract and Chitosan.
Quillaja is a liquid bio-pesticide with a long history of being used to control nematodes in turf and ornamentals. The saponins have a direct toxic effect on the parasitic nematodes. The saponins of Quillaja are extracted and processed to be used with common spray equipment.
Chitosan is a natural cationic biopolymer, primarily derived from shellfish exoskeletons. The chitosan stimulates soil microbes to make enzymes that attack plant parasitic nematode stylets and eggs. For Nemasan, our chitosan has been processed to be immediately bioavailable in liquid format.
These two active ingredients form an impressive combination; Quillaja as the quick knockdown and Chitosan as the residual, that keeps working within the soil environment.
Flint on Crops
We Often Ignore Important Things – Commentary
“A fairly new development in this subject is the introduction of a chitosan based material called Nemasan which when applied correctly can decimate nematodes within a few days of application, allowing crops to then form better roots, use nutrients and water more efficiently, and yield as they should.”
By Ernie Flint, Mississippi State University Agronomist, December 11, 2017
Click Here to download a PDF of the complete commentary.
Start Reaping Your Benefits Today!
Year-Round Application – Provides the ability to deal with nematode issues through out the entire year.
Cost Savings – Application cost for Nemasan is significantly less than current nematode control compounds.
Plays Nice with Others – Only nematode product that can be safely used with other turf grass products at the same time. Apply with fertilizers and fungicides.
Low Usage Rate – Effective suppression/control of plant parasitic nematodes with 16 oz to 32 oz per acre.
Lower pH with CitriSan™ Citric Acid

Use CitriSan™ to lower spray solutions to pH 5.0 OR below for maximizing the efficiency of Organisan products in all your Nematicide, Fungicide, Fertilizer, Herbicide, Insecticide, and Nutritional Sprays.